We had a blast with you! The kids were wiped out by the time we got home and I couldn't wait to see what we had captured! I think the day went really well and I got a few great shots of you guys!
So my girlfriend asked me to do photos of her and her two boys and we had a blast! Man it had been forever since I've seen these guys and the boys a so freaking handsome! Ang. I can't wait to get together again girl, miss you!
Isabel turned three a couple days ago and I finally got her portraits done! While I had the studio set up I JUST had to get a shot of Trevor in his pre-school graduation gown and one of miss Fia!
been in a bit of a creative slump lately, so I hooked up the 50mm 1.4 and went out hunting (in the backyard LOL!). Here are a few from today. Thanks for checking them out!